Happy Independence Day!
On May 26, 1918, the National Council of Georgia adopted the Act of State Independence and established the independent government of Georgia.
The democratic republic was recognized as the form of political government of the state; A European-type Georgian statehood, a democratic system was created.
The independence of Georgia was met with the same hostility by the Bolshevik regime, whose goal was the restoration of the former Russian empire. In 1921, the Red Army invaded Georgia and annexed the country. The government of Georgia and the majority of the founding assembly emigrated.
As a result of the general referendum of March 31, 1991, by the unanimous decision of the population, the country regained the status of an independent republic. On April 9, 1991, the Act on the Restoration of State Independence of Georgia came into force.
To celebrate Georgia’s Independence Day, SOCAR will raise the Georgian flag at all service stations.